Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow)

Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) - Are you looking for where to buy Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow), if yes you need to read our Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
Kobold's finest in luggage and handbags for travelers from our Private & Personal Collection. A carry-on luggage with a matching laptop tote handbag. The tote's laptop sleeve can be removed, so the tote can be converted for daily use too.

Product Details:

  • Matching Set of 21" Carry-On Luggage and Laptop Tote
  • Carry-On Dimensions: Width 14.5" x Height 21" x Depth 10"
  • Laptop Tote Dimensions: Width 13.5" x Height 13.5"
  • Fabric Materials: 94% Nylon and 6% Polyester
  • Carry-On Weight: 3730 grams (8.2 pounds) / Tote Weight: 740 grams (26.4 ounces)

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Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow),Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) Review, Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) Comparison Price, Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) Best Offer, Kobold PPL Trolley and Computer Tote Set PPLT (Sun Glow Yellow) Best Price