Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set

Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set - Are you looking for where to buy Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set, if yes you need to read our Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set review to find more information and avoiding scam products.

Product Description:
Every now and then something comes along that just makes life easier. For the savvy traveler, it's this beautiful set from Samantha Brown. Not only is it attractive, but the storage options make it the perfect choice for jet-setting weekend jaunts. Add the unique vertical design and you've got a luggage pair that makes you want to get away ... now. What You Get Cabin bag Dome Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set Features Animal print fabric exterior Croco-embossed trim Corner guards Self-repairing zippers Stabilizing bar Removable translucent bag

Product Details:

  • Samantha Brown 2-piece Printed Cabin Bag and Tote Set - ruby

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