Product Description:
Make it a great getaway with this all-inclusive collection of travel-ready luggage. Simply functional and superbly spacious, you'll get five durable bags - boasting side-bound construction and EVA foam backings - to keep your travels running smoothly and packed with amazing experiences. Three-year warranty.
Product Details:
- 1200d polyester body/170T polyester lining
- Recessed push-button locking handle system and inline skate wheels
- 29" upright feature four 360-degree spinner wheels and mesh lid pocket
- Set includes: 29-inch, 25-inch & 21" expandable uprights, 15" travel tote and travel kit
Customer Reviews:
I was told that it is standard procedure in all companies for the customer to pay for a return of a defective item. This, of course, is hardly the case. With my research online, I have discovered that the best quality companies go out of their way to be responsible, reliable and honest. That is not the case with this Olivet. I have found their response to be acerbic, and unreasonable. Companies receive a rating based on their return policies and this company fails miserably with their steadfast refusal to take responsibility for selling defective merchandise. From the top of the company on down: President: Mr. Jack Holodnicki, Chief Operating Officer, Mr. David Yu,Vice President of Sales, Mr. Andrew Bomes and Customer Service Manager,Denise Lucio, this company refuses to do the right thing. They are acutely aware that their policy that requires customers to pay to return their defective merchandise will prevent customers from asking for the company to replace the low quality merchandise that they manufacture and sell to the unsuspecting public. Right after we received the luggage one of the zippers came apart, I returned that to the store (they of course willingly paid for the return of the defective luggage). While I naively believed that was not representative of the brand, I had the store replace it with another of the same. When the zipper broke, I should have taken the clue that this company does not make quality items and I should just taken the refund. Research this yourself: Google the Better Busines Bureau and the Rip Off Report and you will find that this company has a long history of unhappy, dissatisfied customers..Do not waste your money.DO NOT PURCHASE!!! By TrueReview
I purchased this luggage from Macy's and should have paid more attention to the reviews. I have had the exact same problems with this luggage as other users have had. The zippers are substandard and one of the main wheels fell apart after only two flights. Contacting the company for an exchange has proven to be rather stressful, so I have decided to give up and live with the fact that I have lost $150.great luggage By Janet E. Myers
I purchased this luggage from Macy's(Richmond, Va) 12/2010. I first traveled with it in 1/2011 to look for a place to live in Ca and the largest piece ended up covered in something black that did not completely come off. I liked this luggage. I have made 6 round trips coast to coast with this luggage and (one) one way trip and it was fine. The airlines have damaged so bad I am now looking for new luggage mostly because I don't think my 29 inch piece(the largest) can stand another airline beating. On my return from my 7th trip my 21 inch(smallest) was damaged when I had to check it in the jet way and it came back to me with a rip and some black marks. The 25 inch(middle piece)has made one trip to Hawaii and back and it still looks like new. I believe that the airline handling of the luggage is the biggest problem. In years gone past I have kept luggage for years and years but this particular set has only made it to a little over 2 1/2 years and I do not believe that it is the luggage. I still have all the zipper pulls and wheels. The handles on the largest piece have been all but pulled out of their sockets and has been ripped at the top right corner. I got this luggage on a year end clearance sale for 59.99 in Richmond, Va. when I lived there But the Macy's in California was just putting this same set out several months later at the original price. I was trying to see if I could find a replacement for the largest piece but I will have to buy a new set. I do believe it is good luggage. I am living in Ca now and travel back and forth to Va so I need good luggage. I will have to pay more for this same set now than what I originally paid. All in all the damage done to my luggage was done by the airlines mishandling my luggage.
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